Braykc Publishing - Heritage Series Books

Braykc Publishing

Braykc Publishing is an independent organisation, specialising in high quality illustrated books with a focus on historical heritage.

Founded in 2012 by Charles Bradbury, who was soon joined by co-author, Henry Fothringham, Braykc’s activities include the publishing of works by other authors who recognise the high quality of our productions. Recently launched books are The Incorporated Trades of Edinburgh, Carnegie Heritage and Brothers of Steell, a beautifully illustrated publication about the lives and works of two Edinburgh artists: the sculptor, Sir John Steell, and the painter, Gourlay Steell, 'Scotland's Landseer'. The latest work to be published is The Meerkat Crosses of Scotland, co-authored by Roddy Martine and Charles: descriptions of Mercat Crosses are accompanied by amusing anecdotes and meerkat caricatures. Details about these and other books available by direct sale can be accessed here.

New Release!

Meerkat Crosses of Scotland - New Release!
The Heritage Series